The project activities will include:
five transnational project meetings organized by the partner institutions (seminars, discussions, presentations, focus groups to exchange experience and increase their own skills and competencies);
developing a web-site and blog to facilitate an exchange of information and project "products";
local meetings, local activities, discussions / consultations with adult learners and educators
Main results of the project: Tangible results:
project website
facebook profile
publication – summary of used methods and good practises in the field of the effective ways of motivating adults for learning process, promotion of lifelong learning among adults,
a list of tools for acquiring and forecasting educational needs of adults
a list of innovative training subjects in the field of non-vocational adult education implemented by partners
cooperation network
protocols of the meetings
closing conference/international meeting
Intangible results:
higher attractiveness of adult education
professional development of educators, higher educators’ competences,
personal development of participants
- improved language competences of participants - the increase of adaptability and development of intercultural skills of participants - improved personal and social competences